Monday, 6 March 2017

Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World, by Kate Pankhurst

pic credit: Clare Martin-Lapworth
Happy International Women's Week!

Yes, yes, I know it's actually only a day but with all that women accomplish, day in, day out, and with everything that is happening right now in the world that sets us back, I've decided that we'll be celebrating with an entire week.

Starting with this gorgeous book that every little girl should own - Great Women who Changed the World, by Kate Pankhurst.

If that name sounds a little familiar, it's because Kate Pankhurst is a descendant of Emmeline Pankhurst, who led the British suffragette movement, eventually winning women the right to vote in 1918.

This gorgeously illustrated book explores the achievements of some of the most amazing women the world has seen, who have overcome so much to achieve even more, literally changing the world around them for the better.

Rosa Parks, Anne Frank, Marie Curie, Coco Chanel - the women featured are diverse and inspiring. I found myself learning a lot actually, I was a little shocked at just how little I know about the women who shaped my own life.

Right now, when it comes to women's fundamental rights, it feels like the world is going backwards in so many ways. But this bright and hopeful little book reminded me of how far we've come and how one person really can change the world. It's a must for the bookshelf of every girl, who we need to tell, every day, that they are deserving, they are fantastically great and they can - and will - change the world.

via institute of mums

the book and the bea x

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