Sunday, 20 November 2016

Oh no, George! by Chris Haughton

Perfect for:
Ages: 1-3
Occasion: birthdays, Christmas

Oh nooooooo” “Uh-oh” “Oh nooooooooo”

It’s 5 in the morning and Rosie, judging by her increasingly prolonged “oh NOOOOOOOO”, is dealing with some kind of emergency. Thinking the worst, (exploding nappy, lost dummy, Paranormal Activity – which is hindsight is not the movie to watch if you plan on having babies) I rush to her cot, finding a ruffle headed ball pointing maniacally to her bookshelf. Ahh. Yes. The new obsession.

“Oh No George!”

George is a dog. He lives with his buddy Harris and enjoys a love/hate relationship with Cat.  

When Harris heads out for the day, George promises to be good. He tries to be good. But between a cake, a cat, and some soil, it proves a little harder than anticipated.

I started reading this book to Rosie (on my dear friend Clare’s recommendation) when she was around 1. It wasn’t exactly her cup of tea then, but when she rediscovered it at 15 months, it became a firm favourite. And by firm, I mean three times in a row in the morning, twice at night. This kid is nothing if not committed. The repetition is fun for littlies but I also like the messaging for older kids who, like George, try really hard but sometimes just can’t resist the lure of mischief (or cake. But really, can anyone be expected not to eat the giant chocolate cake left on the bench by their foolish flatmate?)

This is the kind of book that parents love as much as kids. As many times as we’ve read George, he still gives me a giggle. Definitely one to add to the bookshelves and a great gift for a first birthday!

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